Edit made by Skye3 years ago
Description: Upload art 108
State after edit:{ "state": "game", "metadata": { "gameID": "26", "title": "What We Left Behind", "shortDescription": "A story driven approach to adult AVNs based on corporate culture and the music industry that attempts to marry creative storytelling with sex.", "longDescription": "My game has dual protags and attempts to subvert the typical tropes in our field.", "creatorName": "Dreamscape Games", "websiteLink": "https:\/\/www.patreon.com\/dreamscapegames", "publiclyVisible": "1" }, "tags": [], "arts": { "108": { "artID": 108, "artType": "SCREENSHOT", "tags": "", "displayOrder": "50", "hidden": "0", "safeForWork": "0" } } }
This site contains erotic content intended only for adults.